Finding the Wealth Within

You, like most others in the world today, are probably watching your financial status closely.  Having a secure and comfortable feeling about the economy may seem a fading memory in an atmosphere of rising costs and stagnant income.  
Take a different approach.  Instead of concentrating on the world around you, take a look within yourself.  Within each of us is a valuable asset.  It may be different for everyone, but it is always present.  It is called purpose.  Going through adolescence into adulthood, sometimes our purpose becomes invisible; sometimes through our own unbelief in ourselves or sometimes through outside influences.  It never disappears.  
Finding the wealth within you and bringing it to play in your life whether on a personal or business level can be a matter of following a few straightforward tasks.  Taking the time to do so can bring a much higher level of prosperity, security and achievement into your life, starting now.
Step One: Find your purpose.  We all have it; that one burning desire that remains our constant companion.  What do you have that can be of benefit to yourself and to others?  What is the one thing you want most from life?  
Step Two:  Eliminate your obstacles.  Once you have identified your purpose, you will need to release it from within yourself.  Tear down walls that you have erected that have kept you from reaching that purpose.  Many times, it is our own insecurities that have our purpose hidden.  Bad habits, acceptance of other people’s negative opinions and your own excuses, such as “I’m nothing special” or “Nobody cares what I think” are prime targets for the wrecking ball.  Turn the tables on yourself by countering these negative influences with positive reinforcement:  “I have an opinion to offer” or “I am unique” can begin the process of freeing your purpose.  
Step Three:  Be ready to take action.  Your purpose is waiting to be acted upon.  Find the confidence and the drive necessary to bring your purpose to light.  Don’t give insecurities the chance to sneak back in, bringing with it doubt and frustration.  
Step Four:  Make it happen.  When you finally realize your purpose and embrace the possibilities, start taking steps to make it happen.  Make lists of steps to achieve your goal.  Seek help; both inner and outer assistance is necessary for success.  Look to your spiritual higher power to find the path you need to embark upon, asking for direction and guidance.  Find those around you who can help you to understand and act upon the goal you have set.  When the ball starts rolling and you begin to see results, the encouragement you feel will provide the momentum to continue the job.
Step Five:  Stay focused.  Never give up on your purpose.  Focus on the whys and wherefores that you began your journey; happiness, wealth, success and security.  There will be times when you hit a speed bump or life bump that threatens to divert you from your goal of wealth and success.  Keep a close knit bond of people around you that can feed encouragement at times such as this; rely on those who can help you and then return the favor.  
Individual wealth building is available to everyone, but only those who truly desire it will achieve their goals.  Start by finding the wealth within you. 


Further Reading:


Top 5 Ways to Increase Your Income Successfully

3 Keys to Successful Goal Setting

4 Rules Of Writing Down Your Goals and Objectives