Goal Setting Theory

Goal setting theory, which is consistent with social-cognitive theory, has been studied for years by Edwin Locke to determine more information regarding goal setting and achieving goals. According to Edwin Locke and Gary Latham, “A goal is the object or aim of an action, for example, to attain a specific standard of proficiency, usually within a specified time limit.”
According to this theory, commitment to one’s goals is the most influential moderator in achieving one’s goals. Therefore, people must be dedicated to the goals that they set for themselves. If you want to eat more fruits and vegetables each day, then you should be able to list your specific reasons for wanting this change.
One of the main findings through research on this topic is that setting specific, challenging goals increased the ability to achieve those goals. But telling someone “to do their best” did not increase the person’s performance. Setting specific measurable goals is one of the main factors in success. People need to be able to measure their achievement on a regular basis. Goal setting theorists report that specific goals help people to focus on tasks set to accomplish and distract people from concentrating on nonspecific objectives.
Another essential aspect in goal setting theory is the confidence that one can achieve the goals that are set. If someone believes that they are going to fail, they significantly decrease their chances of accomplishing their goal. If you believe in yourself, you’ll be more likely to work harder at achieving your goal, because you think it’s possible.
Setting public goals is an important piece to the goal setting theory. When people suggest that you share your goals with friends and family, this coincides with the theory. If you want to start a business, you should share this goal with your loved ones. Their support and encouragement will help you remain accountable.
It was found that when people are faced with a challenge, they utilize skills that they possess to accomplish the task. If people don’t have the necessary skills, they’ll make a plan as to how they can achieve the goal.
Goal setting theory focuses on how employers can assist their employees in attaining goals. If employers give their employees the necessary skills to achieve the goal, they are more likely to be successful. Also, supervisors should role model their expectations of their employees and communicate that they have confidence that their employees are capable of success. 
For people to accomplish their objectives, they need regular feedback. This means that employers should be relaying progress reports to their employees. When setting individual goals one should review their progress and setbacks on a regular basis. People need to assess what makes them succeed and fail to learn from each achievement and letdown. This will help future success.
People are capable of controlling their lives with their thoughts and actions. If someone truly decides to stop smoking and believes they’re capable of quitting, they’ll be able to accomplish it. However, if someone wants to quit smoking but thinks it’s impossible, they have no motivation to change. 


Further Reading:


How To Achieve Your Goals

Goal Setting for Students

Setting Your Personal Goals in 7 Easy Steps