Happiness is a State of Mind, Choose It!

Many of us are caught between the “working to live and living to work” stress-trap. I know! I was there once. However, now I have decided to change my game-of-life to something more healthy. It’s true we are living in an exciting time of great change and sometimes this can be challenging, with the media spouting the gloom and doom at us and many around us taking on and sharing in the fears and negative predictions. How do YOU stay positive and happy and in the excitement of your life, rather than in fear, stress and unhappiness?

Here are a few strategies I have used successfully during this past year of change for me, and some of the advice and coaching I give to my private clients.

Surround Yourself with positive people, readings and audios to help reprogram your mind from negative to positive. One of the main tools that helped me when my mind was taking me down a dark alley, was listening to and reading uplifting and mind-positive teachings from my favorite mentors: Eckhart Tolle, Wayne Dyer, Neale Donald Walsch, and David Neagle. Listening to positive speakers will help distract you from the negative effect of your own “stinkin’ thinkin’.” Focus on positive, and positive you will have and attract in your life.

Focus on what your passion is: When you are focused on what you love and are good at and passionate about, you naturally exude an energy that is magnetic to others, so you will attract opportunities and business more easily. As a bonus, if you are focused, you think about what you want and love, you plan for it and then you take action regarding having what you desire, you will most likely attract to you that which you focus on.

Be grateful for what you have: Rather than complaining about, focusing on and noticing what you don’t have (then you’ll get more of what you don’t have), try having a daily practice of beginning the day with gratitude statements, or writing what you are thankful for in a gratitude journal. Remember, what you focus on you get, when the universe/God understands that you are thankful for what you have, the universe/God matches your energy and gives you more good.

Let go of the past: Many of us allow our emotions to interfere with our positive emotional stability and energy. I recommend working with a coach to help you work through any negative energy and feelings that may be blocking you from manifesting and attracting what you desire. Remember you attract what you are, so if you are positive, you attract positive into your life and vice versa!

Know what makes you instantly happy, and do it often: Being happy is our “human spirits” natural state of being, that’s why we all strive to be that way. Many of us have not taken the time to figure out what makes us happy. My suggestion to you is to make a happy list and carry it around with you to remind you what to do when you are unhappy. Make sure it is mostly made up of activities that you can do by yourself, meaning you don’t have to depend on anyone else for your happiness. Some of mine are- sitting by the pool and reading or writing, going to the beach, working out, eating sushi etc. I suggest to my depressed clients that they do (make themselves do) 1-3 of these activities a day. I have an amazing success rate with depressed and anxious clients when they do happy list activities.

These are just a few of the simple strategies I have used successfully in my life that you can implement right now in order to Master a Mindset of Success, rather than Stress and Negativity. I practice these every day, now you can too!

Remember: In order to be the person you have never been, In order to have the life and relationships you have never had, You must do what you have never done before.


Dr. Cindy Brown, author of The Cinderella System, helps women to love their bodies, enjoy pleasure, learn how to fulfill their needs and live the amazing, happy life they deserve and desire! If you want to attract, have and keep the relationship you really, really want, subscribe now to my award winning weekly online newsletter Relationship Intelligence and get my FR*E Special Report and Audio Class athttp://www.SuccessfulrelationshipsNow.com