Do you know these 5 Rules for Super Speed Learning? Read on and learn how to use the power of your brain to quickly and easily learn anything you choose.
The Rule of State:
Some states of mind are far more conducive to quality learning that others. Cultivate a state of relaxed alertness, where you’re physically relaxed, mentally relaxed yet alert and comfortably focused on the outcome in hand.
Try listening to classical or baroque music, or experiment with binaural beats to dial into the right mind state before hand.
The Rule of Intention:
Have an outcome defined in advance, before you crack a book or attend a lecture. What specifically do you want from the activity? You don’t need to write this down every time, but you want to have one.
Your intention acts as a filter for the relevancy of data you’re consuming and helps you build out the information structures in your mind efficiently. It’s rare that you need to be able to memorise everything.
The Rule of Performance:
What’s your final goal? What are you going to do with the information? Are you going to perform it, demonstrate it, re-express it in a test? The final performance is often a different skill set altogether from the learning of the information in the first place.
Studying for a test is one thing, sitting a test is another so make use of peak performance mind skills and visualise yourself performing perfectly and let your subconscious mind organise your output to that end.
The Rule of Input
People tend to have preferences for how they learn best. Some prefer reading, others listening. Some can’t understand things well unless they can physically do it. Optimise the info for your preferred method of input.
If you understand better through discussion with others, do that more than reading. If you like to listen get recorded lectures and listen to them in double time on your computer.
The Rule of Rhythm
Memory fades in a predictable pattern. If you review a chunk of information just as it’s starting to fade it reinforces the memory. Multiple quick reviews can then be done to build up your knowledge in layers and encode the data better into your long term memory
Review in line with your brains natural memory rhythms is an easy way to memorise things quickly. Aim for a review of your notes on day 1, then days 3, 5, 9, and 14 days to infuse them permanently into your long term memory. Each review can be quite quick and get quicker with each session.
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