If you are a procrastinator but do not know why or how you have become one, then take these steps to help you learn the reason why and how you can stop being one. Being honest is a great part of the cure; most procrastinators know when they are procrastinating, but is hard to call on your own faults. Be better than anyone expects you to be and that will help you improve on your lack of action.
Do not confuse procrastinating with not wanting to do an unimportant task but the fact the you do not do the ones that matter and knowing that by holding off on doing the task is doing more harm than good then that is the worst of the procrastinator. Most complaints of a procrastinator are either they hate to do that particular task and find it un-pleasant or the task is too difficult.
Over come your own objections by letting someone else check up on you.
- The thought that someone might pressure you into doing the task might motivate you into finishing it; this is an old school method and it works.
- Another thing is to have an understanding on who stands to lose by your procrastination; you, your employer, your friends or your family. Once you understand that the results of your procrastination might be hurting other people this might motivate you into action.
- Reward yourself for completing tasks on time; maybe small rewards like a walk in the park or going to the movies might help.
You need to know that you just need to do it because you are not the only who wishes to postpone all work. Just imagine if we all had the same attitude or problem and we left everything that we need to do for another day. Do like many of us do and break the project in small parts; so it does not overwhelm you. This will give you the sense that you are accomplishing and will give a real good feeling about yourself.
Maybe self confidence might be another factor that is keeping you from completing your work; you might think that you are not good enough and maybe others might notice that in fact you are not good enough for that job. Think about it and you will see that maybe you insecurity about having a job with so much responsibility is keeping you form performing it to your fullest potential. Get over it because who ever hired you believed in you and so should you.
Be truthful to yourself and others when asked why you have not done your tasks.
- Then get help if someone offers to lend you a hand and take the opportunity to see how others begin a task that you could not bring yourself to do; learn from others. You have other characteristics that people see in you that are good and probably they are learning from you too.
- Administer in your daily life the planning stage before a task and time management; list priorities on what are the important tasks to be done first.
- Know your weakness; make your weakness strong by working on it every time you get a chance.
Angel S. enjoys writing self help articles for Ezine. This author specializes in writing about diet, health, fitness, and now you can check out her website at http://www.guidedmeditationcds.org.