The Facts About Confidence

The Facts About ConfidenceFacing the world full of confidence is sometimes out of your league particularly if you have come up against or been compromised by adversity, in some form or other. If this is the case, learn how to get back on track by reminding yourself of the facts about confidence.


Sometimes you may be afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone to take advantage of an opportunity but refrain for fear of the slightest chance of failure. You must not let this be a deterrent. Don’t put yourself under unnecessary pressure by thinking you have to be perfect to take on a new venture. Accept that there may be setbacks but prepare yourself to tackle what lies ahead. As long as you are in a positive frame of mind it will be surprising what you can achieve. If any setbacks occur learn from them and move on.


To be able to combat negative influences, you must understand what makes you tick. Learn where your weaknesses lie and strive to build on them because this is where any negative influence will strike. At the same time ensure you are aware of your strengths as this will empower you to overcome any negative influences when then arise.

Making Comparisons

Comparing yourself with others is a common problem that many people struggle to overcome. This develops if you focus too often on others whom you put on a pedestal, by looking through rose coloured spectacles at their lives, using your precious time when your concentration should be on your own life. In fact all too often when you are pre-occupied in doing this you tend to neglect seeing the good things you have in your life. So make sure you focus on yourself which will be far more constructive.

Unable to Cope

To admit being unable to cope with a situation is not a sign of weakness or failure. Everyone will face this predicament at some time in their life. Being able to ask for help from people you trust when you are overwhelmed by work, home or social demands only shows that you are human and normal.

Social Skills

Although new social situations can seem daunting, especially meeting strangers, making small talk is easier than you think. In doing so you will gain social skills that will enhance your life and give a boost to your confidence. In addition you will also acquire new acquaintances and obtain more knowledge maybe in new areas that have always interested you but have been unable to become involved.

Saying “No”

Learning how to say no can be a very difficult situation only if you allow it. Many people find it easier to say yes than no, purely for the fact that they feel they are letting someone down or because they think people will not like them. But this is not true. The ability to say no in the right situation commands respect from others and at the same time will alleviate the stress from your life.

These facts about confidence are reminders for you, should you feel your confidence levels need a boost. Taking a little time out of your busy day to reflect on your level of confidence could prove to be extremely worthwhile.

by Kathryn James
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