There are a few simple rules that act together to convert your goals into achievable and enjoyable realities. These are not optional rules, so you break them in the knowledge that doing so will reduce the effectiveness of your outcomes.
1. A goal must have a target date.
For a moment, think of your goal as a journey. When you plan any trip, you have a very good idea of when you want to arrive at your destination. You must have a target on every goal.
2. A goal must be written.
Here is where I have to ask you to trust me on this, There are deep and proven psychological arguments why the act of writing your goals significantly increases the probability of their achievement.
3. A goal must be your goal.
For any goal to have the power needed for its fulfilment it must be an ‘own goal’. Others may set you tasks at work, you may have duties at home, but in personal development programs, a goal can only be set by you, and for you. Others cannot set them for you and you cannot set goals for other people.
4. A goal must excite you.
Unless you feel enthusiastic and excited about achieving your goal, you may find it difficult to sustain the motivation that you need to make it happen. There may be some goals that fall into your ‘should’ category, but you need to achieve these rapidly so that you can move on to the ‘want’ goals which promise – and deliver – so much.
5. A goal must create positive change.
Unless a goal changes some aspect of your life for the better, then it is not worth your investment of time and energy. See how you can modify or alter it so that it does contain the seeds of real change.
6. A goal must be possible.
If you are very tall and have a heavy bone structure, you will never have the physical attributes to achieve a goal of become a champion jockey – or a ballet dancer. Many worthwhile goals have been abandoned because of false modesty or erroneous thoughts about limitations. This is not the same as being realistic about your physical abilities and build. You can dare to dream the impossible dream, then convert it into a possible goal.
7. A goal must be reviewed regularly.
You must read your written goals with enthusiasm at least once a day. Twice a day is even better – ideally first thing each morning and last thing at night. Again, it has been proven in many clinical trials, that constant repetition leads to successful achievement. If you can, read your goals aloud. If this is not possible, move your lips as you read each word silently to yourself.
8. A goal must be specific.
‘I will be successful’ is not a goal. It is too vague. Every goal must answer the questions when, where, how and why. No need to ask ‘who’ for the answer is YOU. Commit this little proverb to memory, ‘if it is to be, then it is up to me’. So, ‘successful at what? …by when? …where? …how? …why?’
9. A goal must be measurable.
Every goal must include consideration of… How much? How often? How many? These will measure your progress and let you know when you’ve arrived.
10. A goal must have accountability.
Some people differ on this rule. All agree that you must be accountable to yourself. Some, however, suggest keeping your goals private lest they be exposed to ridicule and negative comment which can throw you off course. Others recommend that you share your goals with a trusted friend who has no benefit (or risk) from your successful achievement.
Choose your friend with care. Their task is to deliver a gentle, or a firm, kick to your posterior if you appear to lose momentum. They may simply enquire, ‘How is the xyz project coming along?’ to get you back on track. Most people find that it is easier to achieve their goals when they have the support of, and accountability to, another person. This is not, however, a license to shift responsibility. That, and the main accountability, always is yours and yours alone.
This article was written by Ronnie Slade. Ronnie Slade is passionate about Self-Improvement and Self-Development and has been successfully helping people find their niche and empowering them to prepare for change since 1981. Go to my site at, watch my video and decide if I can help you! |