Indecision in any area of life can be paralyzing… Let me share with you an example…
On any given day there are projects that need my attention… Here’s a partial list that is included on every NORMAL day… Keep in mind this does not include family or household related stuff…
- Write an article (or two or three!)…
- Update text on at least three websites…
- Shoot product video – actual product, advertisement, instructional, etc.
- Record audio for a product…
- Meet or speak via telephone with clients…
- Write ad copy for new products…
- Create outline for next seminar…
Here’s the problem I have – and many of my clients do, too… That list is so overwhelming it’s hard to know what to start with.
So, what do I do?
Stare at the list. Sip coffee or tea. Wonder how I’m going to get everything done. Organize my desk. Think about what to start with while I watch TV. Look at my watch and realize that in 20 minutes my daughter is going to need lunch.
This isn’t procrastination. It’s not a matter of putting off tasks I don’t want to complete or which can wait until later. It’s simply a matter of not knowing where to begin and feeling like no matter where I begin the list is endless and frustrating. Going over and over the list doesn’t help, it only feeds into the feeling of running on a treadmill and never getting anywhere.
So each day, I do the same thing I tell my clients to do. It’s a real shocker.
Just start. Pick one project and do it. Maybe it’s your most favorite. Or your least. Maybe it’s something that will take the longest. Or be done in the shortest amount of time. Assuming the projects all have the same level of importance, it doesn’t matter what it is you do as long as you do something that gets ONE of the projects closer to completed.
Joel Wesseldyke, personal and professional success mentor, motivator, speaker, teacher, radio host and all around nice guy, empowers people to get un-stuck in their personal or professional lives and on the path to achieving their wildest dreams. Learn how to achieve your goals, become happier, healthier and more successful by visiting |