Living a Passionate Life – Using Journaling

Designing a passionate life is enriched through journaling and self-reflection. I love the quote by Judy Collins; “I write journals and would recommend journal writing to anyone who wishes to pursue a writing career. You learn a lot. You also remember a lot… and memory is important.”

Desiring to live a passionate life that has more joy and fulfillment in it is something that a lot of people want, but don’t think they can ever have or may even think they don’t deserve. Only you can answer the question “What would my life be like if I was passionate about what I do everyday?”

Let’s take a closer look at how to stay in a passionless life and then come up with some suggestions how to break free and live passionately.

How to Stay in a Passionless Life 
Don’t take a look at your life and ask yourself if you are happy and fulfilled. Keep your head down and do the same old things that you always have and continue to wonder why you don’t laugh more during the course of the day or why little things that happen can ruin your day.

Don’t try anything new in your life. Stay safe in your comfort zone, after all what would happen if you tried something new and you didn’t like it? Don’t journal or perform any type of self-reflection. After all, you may not like what you discover.

Don’t make conscious decisions. Continue to make decisions based on the same information and patterns that you have always had and experience the similar results. At least you are comfortable with the decision process and can prove that things always turn out a certain way.

How to Start Living a Passion Filled Life 
I think that journaling is one of the most powerful ways to learn about yourself. It is an amazing experience to put your thoughts into words and to reflect on them. Start writing a journal and explore some of the following questions.

What am I passionate about? What gets me excited? What energizes me? When did I loose touch with the passion that is inside of me? If you can’t even tap into the energy of passion then list the things you really dislike and write the opposite of those things. These are clues to what you are passionate about.

Journal about the possibilities of what new things you would like to do in your life, how you would like to live, how do you want to feel as you go through your life? After you obtain a list of the possibilities put a plan in place and start taking action.

Journal about the decisions you make. Reflect on the decisions you make during the course of a day and see if you notice any patterns to those decisions. Are there similar circumstances when you respond and react the same way? What are the other possibilities for how you respond and react under these circumstances?

If the thought of writing in a journal every day seems overwhelming, start out slowly. Make sure you buy a nice looking journal, put it in a special place and assign a time of day when you are going to write. Make sure the TV, radio, and any other devices that may distract you are turned off.

Start out by writing five minutes a day. Do this for a week and see how it feels and then increase the amount of time to 10 minutes per day the next week. Experiment with the amount of time that works for you. You will eventually settle on a time that works for you. Experience the power of journaling your way to living a passionate life.

I wonder what would happen if you were able to identify your passions and start living in alignment with them? I offer tips and methods for living passionately on my blog. I’d like to invite you to receive my free Passion Deficit Disorder (PDD) Report and find out why passion is so important in your life and what you can do about it. You can get your instant access at