In order for us to perform our best we need to be well motivated. Motivation plays an important role in our life since it is what keeps us going despite the many obstacles that hinder our path towards success. Moreover, motivation gives us the courage and encouragement to stand up each time we fall.
No two individuals are exactly alike according to psychology. People differ in outside appearance as well as in characteristics. We also have different ways on how we motivate ourselves. If you are one of those people who don’t know how to motivate yourself, then you need some self motivation tips to help you out.
Here are some self motivation tips on how to motivate your self:
• Know who you are
You can motivate yourself easily if you know exactly how you can be motivated. Motivation may be extrinsic or intrinsic. Ask yourself which form of motivation appeals o you the most. Are you motivated with external rewards like material things? Are you motivated intrinsically wherein you are more after the fulfillment and joy you will get out of doing something right? Try to ask yourself these so you have an idea on how to motivate you.
• Visualize your prize
Coaches would often advice their players to visualize themselves doing the right moves and winning the game. The same thing should apply to you. Close your eyes and visualize yourself achieving that thing you aspire for the most. Think of the prize you will receive, the happiness you will feel, and other rewards you may get out of doing something. Visualization helps you remain focused and determined to go after what you want.
• Think positive
Your negative thoughts can dampen your enthusiasm and make you doubt your capabilities. If you want to be able to motivate yourself effectively you have to let go of your apprehensions and negativism. Think positive despite the problems you may face. Everything happens for a reason and it is how you look at things that matters the most. Always look on the bright side and never allow negative thoughts to conquer your heart and mind.
• Pray without ceasing
Anything is possible through prayer. Having a silent moment with the Lord and telling Him everything that is on your mind can give you encouragement. Knowing that there is someone out there who understands you, listens to you, and has the power to make things happen can motivate you into working hard to reach your goal.
• Be with the right people
The kind of friends you have can greatly influence your performance and personality as an individual. Avoid people who have the tendency to put you down and discourage you into doing the things you must do. Instead, be friends with those who think positively or those whom you can always count on.
Anything is possible once you are well motivated to perform your tasks. The self motivation tips presented above are tested and proven to help you motivate yourself. Apply them in your daily life and see your performance soar.
For more great tips and advice on self motivation tips, visit to discover how to set and achieve your personal goals and improve your goal setting. |