Time management tips that inspire you to renew and deepen your gratitude also energize you, every single time you open your heart. If you really want to experience new zest, learn how to genuinely appreciate and care for your life, starting right now.
Cultivating the gift of gratitude is a powerful way to ground yourself and prepare yourself for any challenge. Gratitude enhances healthy humility that is based in self-respect. It also helps you assess your strengths and redirect your energy. The following reflections provide a fresh window of understanding to your inner powerhouse.
Finding Time for Gratitude – 5 Central Insights.
Gratitude’s 3 Gifts to You.
Gratitude immediately enriches your life in 3 ways:
– How you look at your world,
– How you move through your days, and
– How you experience your moments.
It is a fundamental value, and the ultimate way to make full use of your time. In “Character Strengths and Virtues” by Christopher Peterson and Martin E. P. Seligman, gratitude is defined as “an enduring thankfulness that is sustained across situations and over time.”
There are two types of gratitude, personal and transpersonal.
Personal gratitude is about thankfulness towards an individual, whereas transpersonal gratitude is a constant and fundamental appreciation of the world.
Gratitude is a very special gift to children.
According to studies, gratitude develops between 7 and 10 years of age. However, I believe that if a child is raised in an environment of appreciation, both specific and general, and if it is spoken about often and consistently, gratitude will begin to develop at an earlier age. At the very least, the child will be surrounded by positive energy.
Experience and express appreciation to others specifically and frequently.
How many times a day do you actively thank someone? And how often do you feel the energy of awe and wonder? Don’t deprive yourself or others of this wonderful, free gift that strengthens relationships!
As an informative exercise, jot down each time you feel grateful for anything.
After 3 or 4 weeks, go over your documentation and identify patterns in your gratitude. Are there days when you are so absorbed in the activities of daily living that you “forget” life’s gifts? What does this tell you? What happens to your energy? Do you habitually see the glass as “half empty” or “half full”?
There is a simple and wonderful exercise I’ve practiced for many years. It was reinforced in the Vanguard Authentic Happiness Coaching Course I participated in several years ago.
Enjoy the “3 Gratitudes” Exercise!
Each night, right before sleep, list at least 3 gratitudes you are aware of for that day. These blessings can be anything you notice and appreciate.
Recently, I asked a client if she was continuing her nightly gratitudes. She vigorously nodded. “It keeps me positive,” she responded.
And it does. It helps you maintain enthusiasm, even in challenging times. Soon it becomes automatic to appreciate your moments.
Now ask yourself: How can you generate still more gratitude today by finding more time?
To take your next step, sign up for our free gift, “The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Simple, Sequential Steps to Find More Time and Recharge Your Energy!” at http://www.findingtime.net/ezine.html This time template will help you move beyond overwhelm, disappointment, and frustration. Using a workbook format, with room to record your answers, you will discover that 24 hours really are enough! And for even more time thoughts and techniques, visit our blog at http://www.thetimefinder.com Offered by Paula Eder, Ph.D. The Time Finder Expert. Further Reading: |