New Year’s Resolutions are just around the corner. With that in mind, I took some time out to see what the Government of the USA listed as the most popular resolutions. Let’s take a look:
1. Lose weight.
With gym memberships going on sale and flyers full of treadmills, the first is probably the most obvious – to lose weight. Most of the time, people who resolve to lose weight picture themselves with model sized bodies.
But the truth is, according the WIN (Weight-Control Information Network), “A weight loss of 5 to 7 percent of body weight may improve your health and quality of life, and it may prevent weight-related health problems, like type 2 diabetes. For a person who weighs 200 pounds, this means losing 10 to 14 pounds.” Keep this in mind when you are imagining that “picture perfect” model sized body. Instead of striving to be media sized, strive to be healthy with a New Year’s Resolution of losing 5 – 7 pounds – a resolution with high benefits that most are able to succeed at.
2. Manage debt.
Another popular resolution, with no surprise, is to manage debt. With the economy the way it is, even the most careful of consumers have found themselves losing jobs and slowly falling into the empty money pit. This year, make your New Year’s Resolution count.
The Federal Trade Commission, Consumer Protection offers excellent guidance on realistic budgeting, credit counseling from a reputable organization, debt consolidation, debt negotiation, and bankruptcy. No matter what the financial situation is that you face, take a moment to get yourself back on track and focused on eliminating your debt, and call this year’s resolution a success.
3. Spend less.
Hand in hand with debt management, is the resolution to spend less. The most common approach to this New Year’s Resolution is to do with less and stop buying things we would usually buy. But, you can make an even more successful attempt by checking out 66 Ways to Save Money from the Consumer Literacy Consortium. We can make this year’s resolution successful by changing how we spend instead of whether to spend.
4. Get a better job
The next resolution on the list is to get a better job. Most people are constantly looking to improve, and a new job is a definite way to do so. Maybe you want another job in the same field, or you’re looking to change fields altogether. Before you go looking to hard, make sure you’re informed. Get the latest information on current salaries and benefits, and make sure you have an up-to-date resume and you’re prepared for interviews. To make this New Year’s Resolution successful this year, get help with these issues and more at the Career One Stop.
5. Get fit
Another top resolution is to get fit. And, even though most people start out successful they often fall short on boredom and lack of variety within their exercise routine. Instead of allowing this to happen, get fit successfully. Try the President’s Challenge. From aerobics to yoga, fishing to diving, bowling to trampoline, you’ll find hundred of activities to choose from that will keep you interested and motivated to succeed.
6. Education
With people losing jobs, looking for a career change or striving to make a difference in where they are going, a lot of people are making a New Year’s Resolution to get a better education. For some, this resolution might see impossible – lack of money, lack of time, etc.
Here are some suggestions to make this resolution a little more successful. If you are an adult who didn’t finish high school, there are night classes that allow you to work around you work schedule at your own pace. Perhaps you didn’t finish your B.A., M.A. or Ph.D., make a phone call to your alma mater to get started. If you’re looking for distance education that can be taken one class at a time as you can afford it, try Athabasca University, an online distance education that offers fully accredited degrees.
7. Get rid of bad habits
With New Year’s Resolutions, comes the idea of quitting bad habits. For some, drinking less alcohol and quitting smoking are the top to resolve on their list. A great way to reduce you alcohol intake is to drink more slowly, alternate drinks with non-alcoholic beverages, or quit those “quick drinks” you have on a regular basis. If smoking is on your list, try will power to quit cold turkey. If this isn’t your option, get support from others on sites like Quitnet. Either of these resolutions can be resolved successfully, you just need to take advantage of the loads of information that is available to you.
8. Reduce stress
The last New Year’s Resolution, and possibly one that has an impact on all of our others, is to reduce stress. This first step for this resolution is to identify what is stressing you out. Be specific, don’t just say “my job” or “my family”. Once you have identified them, learn how you can avoid, alter, adapt or accept them. Although this maybe a hard resolution to succeed with, check out HelpGuide to get a great deal of information and help along the way.
As you can see, it takes research and commitment to keep New Year’s Resolutions. If you make a plan, stick with them and use all the help available, you will succeed.
Gary Gzik is a Corporate Trainer and CEO of the business consulting company BizXcel which owns and operates Getting to Someday, a place where people go to achieve their goals for getting to someday –
Learn more about setting up your New Year’s resolutions today: