Setting a goal and achieving a goal are two unique procedures. Setting a goal requires someone to desire a change and choose to start that process. To achieve a goal, a person needs to set specific steps toward a goal and evaluate each step along the way. See the tips below to find out how you can achieve your goals. An example of a goal is utilized below to illustrate each step in more detail. The goal is set by a woman who wants to lose thirty-six pounds in one year.
Step One: Evaluate your will to change. Are you honestly ready to begin making steps toward achieving the goal? Are you still contemplating whether or not you want to begin working toward the goal? Be truthful with yourself.
The woman who wants to lose thirty-six pounds needs to be invested in achieving the goal. She should make a list of reasons that state why she wants to lose the weight such as to improve health, improve physical appearance, and increase happiness. When motivation decreases, she would review the reasons for beginning the goal.
Step Two: Break the goal down into smaller, measurable pieces. Write these goals down in a place that you’ll read them daily.
Losing thirty-six pounds in one year is a long-term goal. It should be broken down into short-term goals such as exercising four times a week for one hour, eating fruits and vegetables three times a day, and losing three pounds each month. The goals should be written in a journal that is kept on a bedside table to be reviewed each morning and night.
Step Three: Evaluate progress and identify obstacles. You should review your progress and setbacks on a weekly basis. If you’re succeeding, figure out how to maintain your enthusiasm. If you’re not accomplishing your weekly goals, you should work to discover the barriers.
Every Sunday she should review her progress for the week. She should enter her weight into a diary, determine if she worked out four days that week, and look at her eating patterns. If she wasn’t able to eat three fruits and vegetables each day, she would need to understand what hindered her from reaching her goal. Maybe she had two holiday parties and one wedding to attend that didn’t offer healthy food options. The next time she goes to a holiday party she can plan to eat a healthy snack beforehand to cut back on munching.
Step Four: Celebrate success. When you achieve your goals, you should celebrate your success. For short-term goals, give yourself a small reward and for long-term goals, give yourself a larger reward.
At the end of each week, she would assess her progress. If she reached her weekly goals, she could schedule a manicure for Monday morning. If she reached her monthly goals, she could buy one new outfit, and if she achieved her long-term goal, she could take a vacation to an exotic location to show off her new body in a bikini. This encourages goal achievement.
Further Reading:
Setting Your Personal Goals in 7 Easy Steps
3 Keys to Reaching Long-Term Goals